Good Shepherd COVID-19 Worship Guidelines

Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church has arrived at the decision to re-open in-person activities and worship services starting on Sunday, June 28, 2020.

In order to do so, there are restrictions that must be maintained to ensure the heath of all who attend. These restrictions have been agreed upon by our church Council in consultation with our Worship Committee, under the recommendation of the Southern Ohio Synod and appropriate governmental agencies.

We pray for a time that none of this will be needed.


Good Shepherd will return to our normal worship schedule of 8:30 am and 10:30 am. Seating will be limited to sixty people per service, so we ask that some parishioners consider worshipping at the 8:30 am service, in order to spread out the volume of people.

The 8:30 am service will use the even numbered pews, and the 10:30 am service will use the odd numbered pews. For example, the 8:30 am service will use the second row of pews from the front, as well as the fourth, sixth and so on. The 10:30 am service will use the first row of pews, as well as the third, fifth, and so on. Seating for each service will be plainly marked.

In addition, services will remain live streamed on Facebook Live, and downloaded to Good Shepherd’s YouTube page, in order to accommodate those who are homebound or choose to remain at home.


Good Shepherd will work to ensure appropriate physical distancing measures. This means that each family unit is required to maintain six feet of distance from other family units at all times.


Upon entering the church building, all people, who are not medically restricted from using one, are to wear masks.

Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is always kept in the pews. Please use it, but remember to put it back when you are finished.


Restrooms will still be available for use. Please use your mask as you walk through the hall, and maintain one person, or family unit, at a time in the restroom. Handwashing is mandatory.


At both services, ushers will seat parishioners and usher them out at the end of worship. The first people in will go to the front, and will be escorted out last. Ushers will maintain distancing during their duties.


For the first several weeks under these guidelines, Holy Communion will not be served. As we learn more about the virus, we will search for a safe way to administer this Sacrament.

Water Fountain

The water fountain will not be available for use, and the kitchen will be off limits. Parishioners are encouraged to bring their own water bottle to the services.


Bulletins will be emailed to those whom we have email addresses, and they will be available for you to pick up as you enter. Any music or hymns will be printed in the bulletin, as the hymnals will be removed from the pews. At the end of the service, parishioners are asked to place their bulletin in the provided trash can for recycle.


Singing is a big part of our worship expression, but please keep your masks on while singing. Any sung liturgy will be changed to spoken word, and only two hymns will be sung. There will be no choir until further notice, but individuals may offer their talents for special music, as long as they practice distancing.


An offering plate will be placed at the entrance to the sanctuary for parishioners to place their tithings.


We ask for volunteers to assist in cleaning the worship space and any areas used in the building following the 10:30 a service.

Passing of the Peace

The Passing of the Peace will consist of a wave and blessing other worshipers from their pews.


The nursery will not be available until further notice.

Coffee Hour

There will be neither a coffee hour nor a social time.

Peace and wellness to you all,

Pastor Larry Grunden
on behalf of the church Council at
Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church

712 N. Fountain Ave.
Springfield, Ohio 45504
(937) 322-7222