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Our Ministries



Because of the joy of knowing the love of God and because we are charged by Jesus to be stewards of each other, Good Shepherd has committed to service with our community and with the world.

  • Our food pantry offers relief for those who may need just a little bit more food to get them through.


  • Our parishioners actively provide communion to our members who are homebound or are unable to attend regularly


  • Our Property Committee diligently takes care of the maintenance, upkeep and improvements of our beautiful, historic facility.


  • Because of God’s call to take our faith into our everyday lives, many of our members are active in volunteering for various organizations in the community.


  • Our Yarners Group is a small group of members who enjoy crafts, knitting, or just some good social time. The group meets in members homes on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday 7:00pm


  • Our quilting group enjoy fellowship and the gift of cutting, sewing, and tying quilts to serve our community and those in need. All ages and all abilities welcome.


                                 This is faith in action!

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